To find out how to dial overseas please select the country that you are calling from and the country that you are calling to by clicking on the two drop down menus below.
To call from Macedonia to United States you need to dial:
0 + 1 + city code + phone number
Cheapest Card to call United States-Landline
Phone Card
Rate, A$ |
Connection Fee
Some phone cards charge a once off connection fee each you make a call. If make longer calls it may be better for you to buy a card that has a connection fee as the per minute rate is usually lower.
Billing Increment
The billing increment is the smallest unit of time you are charged for. If a card has a 3 minute billing increment it means that you are charged for 3 minutes even if you make a one minute or two minute phone call. This is not as bad as it sounds as you will "lose" a maximum of 2 minutes or less on a 3 minute billing increment card regardless of how long you talk. Be careful of websites that sell cards that do not show the phone card's billing increment.
Notes |
Local access availability |
1.4 ¢/min |
49 ¢ |
3 min
Local access no. in Adelaide, Albury, Alice Springs, Armidale, Ballarat, Bathurst, Bendigo, Brisbane, Broken Hill, Broome, Bunbury, Bundaberg, Cairns, Campbelltown, Canberra, Coffs Harbour, Darwin, Dubbo, Geelong, Geraldton, Gladstone, Gold Coast, Gosford, Grafton, Hobart, Karratha, Launceston, Lismore, Mackay, Maroochydore, Maryborough, Melbourne, Mildura, Mount Gambier, Mt Isa, Murry Bridge, Newcastle, Nowra, Orange, Penrith, Perth, Port Macquarie, Rockhampton, Rockingham, Shepparton, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Tamworth, Toowoomba, Townsville, Waga, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Wollongong. 1300 number available nationally @ additional 5 cents/ min. 24 hours flat rates. |
This phone card can also be used to call
back to Australia (landline)
at 1.5 ¢/minute
and to Australia (mobile)
at ¢/minute
Cheapest Card to call United States-Mobile
Phone Card
Rate, A$ |
Connection Fee
Some phone cards charge a once off connection fee each you make a call. If make longer calls it may be better for you to buy a card that has a connection fee as the per minute rate is usually lower.
Billing Increment
The billing increment is the smallest unit of time you are charged for. If a card has a 3 minute billing increment it means that you are charged for 3 minutes even if you make a one minute or two minute phone call. This is not as bad as it sounds as you will "lose" a maximum of 2 minutes or less on a 3 minute billing increment card regardless of how long you talk. Be careful of websites that sell cards that do not show the phone card's billing increment.
Notes |
Local access availability |
1.4 ¢/min |
49 ¢ |
3 min
Local access no. in Adelaide, Albury, Alice Springs, Armidale, Ballarat, Bathurst, Bendigo, Brisbane, Broken Hill, Broome, Bunbury, Bundaberg, Cairns, Campbelltown, Canberra, Coffs Harbour, Darwin, Dubbo, Geelong, Geraldton, Gladstone, Gold Coast, Gosford, Grafton, Hobart, Karratha, Launceston, Lismore, Mackay, Maroochydore, Maryborough, Melbourne, Mildura, Mount Gambier, Mt Isa, Murry Bridge, Newcastle, Nowra, Orange, Penrith, Perth, Port Macquarie, Rockhampton, Rockingham, Shepparton, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Tamworth, Toowoomba, Townsville, Waga, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Wollongong. 1300 number available nationally @ additional 5 cents/ min. 24 hours flat rates. |
This phone card can also be used to call
back to Australia (landline)
at 1.5 ¢/minute
and to Australia (mobile)
at ¢/minute
City |
Code |
Abilene |
325 |
Akron |
234 |
Akron |
330 |
Albany |
229 |
Albany |
518 |
Albuquerque |
505 |
Albuquerque |
957 |
Alexandria |
320 |
Alton |
618 |
Alton |
730 |
Anaheim |
657 |
Anaheim |
714 |
Anaheim |
752 |
Anaheim |
909 |
Anchorage |
907 |
Ann Arbor |
278 |
Ann Arbor |
734 |
Arlington |
571 |
Arlington |
703 |
Asheville |
828 |
Ashland |
606 |
Atlanta |
404 |
Atlanta |
470 |
Atlanta |
678 |
Atlanta |
770 |
Atlantic City |
609 |
Augusta |
706 |
Augusta |
762 |
Aurora |
331 |
Austin |
512 |
Austin |
737 |
Baltimore |
410 |
Baltimore |
443 |
Baltimore |
667 |
Baton Rouge |
225 |
Bellevue |
425 |
Bellingham |
360 |
Bethesda |
240 |
Bethlehem |
484 |
Bethlehem |
610 |
Bethlehem |
835 |
Billings |
406 |
Biloxi |
228 |
Birmingham |
205 |
Birmingham |
659 |
Bloomington |
952 |
Boise |
208 |
Boston |
617 |
Boston |
857 |
Brattleboro |
802 |
Brentwood |
631 |
Bridgeport |
203 |
Bridgeport |
475 |
Brooklyn |
347 |
Brooklyn |
718 |
Bryan |
979 |
Burbank |
747 |
Burbank |
818 |
Camden |
856 |
Cape Coral |
239 |
Cedar Rapids |
319 |
Champaign |
217 |
Champaign |
447 |
Charleston |
304 |
Charleston |
681 |
Charleston |
843 |
Charlotte |
704 |
Charlotte |
980 |
Chattanooga |
423 |
Chicago |
312 |
Chicago |
773 |
Chicago |
872 |
Chicopee |
413 |
Cicero |
464 |
Cicero |
708 |
Cincinatti |
283 |
Cincinnati |
513 |
Clarksville |
931 |
Cleveland |
216 |
Cleveland |
440 |
Columbia |
573 |
Columbia |
803 |
Columbus |
380 |
Columbus |
614 |
Concord |
925 |
Corpus Christi |
361 |
Dallas |
214 |
Dallas |
469 |
Dallas |
972 |
Daly City |
650 |
Daly City |
764 |
Danville |
276 |
Davenport |
563 |
Dayton |
937 |
Daytona Beach |
386 |
Denton |
940 |
Denver |
303 |
Denver |
720 |
Detroit |
313 |
Detroit |
679 |
Dodge City |
620 |
Duluth |
218 |
Eau Claire |
534 |
Eau Claire |
715 |
Edison |
732 |
Edison |
848 |
El Paso |
915 |
Elizabeth |
908 |
Elmira |
607 |
Erie |
814 |
Escondido |
442 |
Escondido |
760 |
Eugene |
458 |
Eugene |
541 |
Evansville |
812 |
Fargo |
701 |
Fayetteville |
910 |
Flint |
810 |
Fort Lauderdale |
754 |
Fort Lauderdale |
954 |
Fort Smith |
479 |
Fort Wayne |
260 |
Fort Worth |
682 |
Fort Worth |
817 |
Fresno |
559 |
Gainesville |
352 |
Galveston |
409 |
Gary |
219 |
Grand Junction |
970 |
Grand Rapids |
616 |
Grant |
231 |
Green Bay |
274 |
Green Bay |
920 |
Greensboro |
336 |
Greenville |
864 |
Hamilton |
254 |
Hammond |
985 |
Hartford |
860 |
Hartford |
959 |
Hempstead |
516 |
Honolulu |
808 |
Houston |
281 |
Houston |
713 |
Houston |
832 |
Huntsville |
256 |
Huntsville |
936 |
Huntsville |
938 |
Indianapolis |
317 |
Iowa City |
515 |
Irvine |
949 |
Jackson |
601 |
Jackson |
731 |
Jackson |
769 |
Jacksonville |
904 |
Jersey City |
201 |
Jersey City |
551 |
Jonesboro |
870 |
Kansas City |
816 |
Kansas City |
913 |
Kansas City |
975 |
Kearney |
308 |
Kenosha |
262 |
Kingston |
845 |
Knoxville |
865 |
Lafayette |
337 |
Lafayette |
765 |
Lakeland |
863 |
Lancaster |
717 |
Lancaster |
740 |
Lansing |
517 |
Laramie |
307 |
Laredo |
956 |
Las Cruces |
575 |
Las Vegas |
702 |
Lawton |
580 |
Lexington |
859 |
Little Rock |
501 |
Long Beach |
562 |
Los Angeles |
213 |
Los Angeles |
310 |
Los Angeles |
323 |
Louisville |
502 |
Lowell |
351 |
Lowell |
978 |
Lubbock |
806 |
Lynchburg |
434 |
Lynn |
339 |
Lynn |
781 |
Macon |
478 |
Madison |
608 |
Manchester |
603 |
Mankato |
507 |
Marshall |
660 |
Mason City |
641 |
Medina |
830 |
Memphis |
901 |
Miami |
305 |
Miami |
786 |
Milwaukee |
414 |
Minneapolis |
612 |
Mobile |
251 |
Montgomery |
334 |
Naperville |
630 |
Nashville |
615 |
New Castle |
724 |
New Orleans |
504 |
New York City |
212 |
New York City |
646 |
New York City |
917 |
Newark |
862 |
Newark |
973 |
Niagara Falls |
716 |
Oakland |
341 |
Oakland |
510 |
Odessa |
432 |
Oklahoma City |
405 |
Omaha |
402 |
Omaha |
531 |
Orlando |
321 |
Orlando |
407 |
Orlando |
689 |
Orlando |
927 |
Otsego |
269 |
Owensboro |
270 |
Owensboro |
364 |
Philadelphia |
215 |
Philadelphia |
267 |
Philadelphia |
445 |
Phoenix |
480 |
Phoenix |
602 |
Phoenix |
623 |
Pittsburgh |
412 |
Pittsburgh |
878 |
Plymouth |
763 |
Pomona |
626 |
Pontiac |
248 |
Port St Lucie |
772 |
Portland |
207 |
Portland |
503 |
Portland |
971 |
Providence |
401 |
Pueblo |
719 |
Raleigh |
919 |
Raleigh |
984 |
Redding |
530 |
Reno |
775 |
Richmond |
804 |
Riverside |
951 |
Roanoke |
540 |
Rochester |
585 |
Rock Island |
309 |
Rockford |
779 |
Rockford |
815 |
Rocky Mount |
252 |
Sacramento |
916 |
Saginaw |
989 |
Salinas |
831 |
Salt Lake City |
385 |
Salt Lake City |
801 |
San Antonio |
210 |
San Diego |
619 |
San Diego |
858 |
San Diego |
935 |
San Francisco |
415 |
San Francisco |
628 |
San Jose |
408 |
San Jose |
669 |
Santa Barbara |
805 |
Santa Clarita |
661 |
Santa Monica |
424 |
Santa Rosa |
369 |
Santa Rosa |
627 |
Santa Rosa |
707 |
Sarasota |
941 |
Sault Ste Marie |
906 |
Savannah |
912 |
Scranton |
570 |
Seattle |
206 |
Seattle |
564 |
Shreveport |
318 |
Silver Spring |
227 |
Silver Spring |
301 |
Sioux City |
712 |
Sioux Falls |
605 |
South Bend |
574 |
Spokane |
509 |
Springfield |
417 |
St. Charles |
636 |
St. George |
435 |
St. Louis |
314 |
St. Louis |
557 |
St. Paul |
651 |
St. Petersburg |
727 |
Starkville |
662 |
Stockton |
209 |
Stockton |
209 |
Syracuse |
315 |
Tacoma |
253 |
Tallahassee |
850 |
Tampa |
813 |
Toledo |
419 |
Toledo |
567 |
Topeka |
785 |
Troy |
947 |
Tucson |
520 |
Tulsa |
918 |
Tyler |
430 |
Tyler |
903 |
Virginia Beach |
757 |
Warren |
586 |
Washington |
202 |
Waukegan |
224 |
Waukegan |
847 |
West Palm Beach |
561 |
Wichita |
316 |
Wilmington |
302 |
Worcester |
508 |
Worcester |
774 |
Yonkers |
914 |
Yuma |
928 |